CIM 800 Premix

CIM 800 is a tough weather durable, waterproofing coating specifically formulated to meet the demands of waterproofing above or below grade.

This two component, cold, liquid applied urethane coating adheres to form a permanent seamless barrier to water. It is especially well suited for roofs over critical spaces (e.g. clean rooms, control rooms), areas with multiple penetrations and curbs, and between-slab waterproofing.

CIM 800 Advantages

CIM 800 is specifically formulated to meet the demands of today’s waterproofing market. This tough urethane coating offers exceptional performance.

  • Liquid applied and self adhering to most materials used in roofing construction.
  • Tested to ANSI 118.10-199, “Standard Specification for Load Bearing, Bonded, Waterproof Membrane for Thin-Set Ceramic Tile and Dimension Stone Installation”.
  • Can be applied to complex areas with multiple penetrations and curbs.
  • Coating is tough enough to stand up to normal pedestrian traffic.
  • Environmentally sound, complying with the toughest VOC standards.
  • Accepts aggregate toppings as an integral part of the system for color, texture, traction and added UV resistance.
  • An excellent gutter material.
  • Self flashing.

CIM 800 Approvals

Green Roof Membranes/Roof Barriers (FFL Test)
Complies with UPC (Uniformed Plumbing Code)


Disclaimer: All values contained herein are typical values. Please consult the Technical Data Sheets to obtain complete information and detailed specification ranges and physical properties. Contact us for more details.